ballet bottle cap images, clip art,1 inch circles, cupcake toppers, stickers,buttons, digital download, diy printable

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ballet bottle cap images, clip art,1 inch circles, cupcake toppers, stickers,buttons, digital download, diy printable

ballet bottle cap images, clip art,1 inch circles, cupcake toppers, stickers,buttons, digital download, diy printable

ballet bottle cap images, clip art,1 inch circles, cupcake toppers, stickers,buttons, digital download, diy printable

Patrick Toebe’s lighting and costumes by Laura Hazlett Designs gave the work an apt air of mystery. “A Modest Proposal” by John Bohannon and Carl Flink opened the program and was executed with wry obedience by its nine performers. Available online in another version as a TED talk, this is a prolix paean to dance as helpmate to science. Happily, it concludes by celebrating dance as its own virtue; unhappily, it does this with contradictory abruptness. Also on the program was Anderson’s “Black Dog,” which, like “A Modest Proposal,” was patched together from the repertoire to pull the program out of emergency conditions and give us a penultimate sighting of the company in its current incarnation.

I wrote a few paragraphs of this column between school drop-off and an appointment, I sent a bunch of emails between making dinner and taekwondo, Bedtime reading with the kids, then more writing at 1 a.m., after a few hours of sleep, Then back up at 4 a.m, to write and sign up for summer camp, There’s a name for this, It’s called “time confetti.” It’s miserable, And it’s part of why we are all Overwhelmed, My Washington Post colleague Brigid Schulte somehow carved out the hours to research and write a book — “Overwhelmed: ballet bottle cap images, clip art,1 inch circles, cupcake toppers, stickers,buttons, digital download, diy printable Work, Love and Play When No One Has the Time” — about this modern-day madness, the abject misery of allegedly having it all..

Music at Kohl Mansion. Pianist Anne-Marie McDermott with the Alexander String Quartet. 7 p.m. May 5. Free pre-concert talks with musicologist educator Kai Christiansen, post-concert reception. Great Hall at Kohl Mansion, 2750 Adeline Drive, Burlingame. $15-$45, individual; $80-$270 series. 650-762-1130; fax: 650-343-8464;; or email: The Beethoven Project. Stanford Philharmonia Orchestra, Jindong Cai, conductor; JonNakamatsu, piano. 8 p.m. May 10 and 2:30 p.m. May 12. Symphony No. 1 in C Major, Op. 21 (1801); Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major, Op. 58 (1806); Symphony No. 4 in B-flat Major, Op. 60 (1806). Bing Concert Hall, 327 Lasuen St., Stanford University. $20. or 650-725-2787.

So, what are you doing this weekend?, If you’re weighing options, and there are plenty of them as the holiday arts season settles in, we’re here with some cool ideas of stuff to do in the Bay Area Nov, 30-Dec, 3 and beyond, Speaking of holiday stuff, have you ever experienced the madcap theater/comedy/shopping/out-in-out wonderful cockney weirdness that is the Great Dickens Christmas Fair? The spectacle is back ballet bottle cap images, clip art,1 inch circles, cupcake toppers, stickers,buttons, digital download, diy printable in action at the Cow Palace through Dec, 17, Linda Zavoral has the details here, Year-in, year-out, the awesome San Francisco Opera Chorus adds so many crucial and delicious elements to opera company productions, So they deserve their time in the spotlight, doncha think? Well, someone thinks so, because now they have one, They’ll perform a wide-ranging program Nov, 30 — read more about it here..

The series concludes with a dance party. Details: A class for ages 7 and up is also available. Contact for more details on the youth class. The outing will cover downtown buildings of the New Deal era, including Berkeley High School, the Community Theater, Civic Center Park, the art in the downtown post office art, the Old Farm Credit Bank Building, and a mosaic mural on the Cal campus. Tours start at 10 a.m., last about two hours and are limited to 30 paid participants. Prepaid reservations are required and can be made at

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